Sunday, December 12, 2010


Just as the birds struggle during the fall winds and pummeling rain, and the dry,  bitter cold of winter, so we too weather storms , times of famine and buffeting winds. Searching diligently for a small grain of spiritual food, a cool refreshing drink.
I've been in one of these times. Pummeled by storms, feeling as if I'm walking through a long cold winter, struggling to find that all important nourishment. Not that of physical food and drink, but that of the Spiritual kind, feeling dry and empty for quite some time.
I should remind myself, it is always at these times, when I feel I'm starving, longing for those intimate encounters with our Maker, that He surprises me when I least expect.
Last night,  as my gifted brother in law was entertaining us by playing his electric guitar, he played a new riff he's working on. I closed my eyes to take in every soulful note.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, God took me to that familiar, wonderful place, where I'm absolutely alone with Him, eyes closed, no one else exists in this place. It is our secret place, where He takes me when I need it most. He always uses music to take me there.
It was glorious. In my spirit I was worshiping my heart out, praising God to the wonderful notes being played. Time and space don't exist in this place. It's my hideaway that God takes me to, that cleft in the rock where He covers me with His hand of protection as He feeds me, refreshes me, inspires me, refills me.
I love our meetings in that place. Isolated from all else. I worship Him without inhibition with all abandon. He's allowed me to soar as on eagle's wings here. He's brought me to dance in fields of sweet little flowers here.
It is my oasis.

In the morning as I sit outside watching all the darling little birds feeding from our suet, the sweetest reminder...
As they suffer through the storms of torrential rains, fierce winds, bitter cold and no food to be found God faithfully leads them to places where they can find shelter from the storms, where they can find the nourishment they need and water to quench their thirst.
So too, when we feel malnourished spiritually, when our soul is parched, He picks just the right place and time, to give us the long awaited for nourishment and drink we have been waiting for.

Today I am thankful for His most precious gift to me.