Tuesday, March 29, 2011


What if people you thought cared, suddenly showed they didn't?
What if people you thought had integrity, showed their moral failure?
What if those who are supposed to be loving, acted with contempt?
What if those you trusted, suddenly alienated you?
What if those who you thought loved you, treated you with only  judgement and criticism?
What if those you trusted your feelings with, maligned and slandered you, and even betrayed you?
What if what you once loved, proved to be a falacy?
What if at your crucial time of need, no one came to hold you up?
What if you poured yourself into something, only to find it wasn't worth it?
What if those you thought loved you, let you walk away without question?
What if what you thought was real, proved to be an illusion?
What if you thought you were in a completely safe place, only to be emotionally tortured there?
What if those you felt secure with, turned on you and attacked your character?
What if once sweet words, turned evil and maliscious?
What if the place you were a core part of, suddenly rejected you completely casting you aside?
What if your supposed defenders, became your attackers?
What if those who teach truth, are full of lies?
What if those who talk of grace, show none when you need it most?
What if those who share wisdom, have none themself?
How can someone who speaks of discernment have none?
How can one who speaks of the Spirit, down those filled with it's gifts or how it functions because of their lack of understanding of it?
How can someone speak of worship, when they've never been lost in it?
What if those you've been told have it all wrong, have more of it right than those who downed them?

How would that make you feel?