Saturday, January 17, 2015

American Sniper

American Sniper is the story of a true American, Chris Kyle. He signed up for military service at the age of 30 . He became a Navy Seal. With a deep sense of patriotism and a love of country, he was driven to defend that which he loved.

He didn't want to write his story at first, but learning others were going to tell his story if he didn't, and wanting it accurate, and wanting to preserve and retell the story of his brothers whom he loved, he wrote the account of his time in the Seals and the 4 tours he survived.

This story not only tells of the lives lost, lives saved, and lives forever changed, it wonderfully depicts the greatest battle of all that any service man who has served time in battle faces, the fight to again find himself, the person he was before being deployed.When they come home, it is near impossible to un-see what they have seen , to un-hear what they have heard, to un-live what they have lived.

We have all seen the stories on the news of men who made it home, but didn't make the journey back to self , to normalcy. We have heard of the suicides and murders by those who could not find their way, who struggled and lost the fight with PTSD.

Chris fought and won, and sought to help others find their way. Even here at home, he was still serving his brothers, still fighting to save lives. It was in doing so that this valiant, courageous, selfless hero lost his life.

I feel in a way I know him in some small way. He carried traits I admire and seek to emulate; fierce loyalty, love of family, patriotism, a tenacity to do what is right.

I salute you Chris Kyle. You truly were and always will be a hero. Words of thanks will never be enough for all you gave, all you endured.

I thank you Taya Kyle , his wife, for your service and great sacrifice. If you don't think the spouses of those who serve, aren't also serving and sacrificing, I have a news flash for you, they sacrifice as much as those abroad.

To his children , G-d bless you. May the traits your father had, also live in you. Thank you for sharing your father with all of us here in the country he loved. I pray you continue to make him proud.

To his parents, words will never describe the pain of your loss. Thank you for raising such an incredible son.

If you have not read American Sniper or seen the film, do. Yes there is language, yes it is graphic. It is about war and war is hell. Through it I think you will earn a respect for our  military men and women you may not have had before.

I thank you Chris Kyle for the man you were and for changing and impacting my life through sharing who you were, for sharing not just your accomplishments, but also your struggles, for your genuineness and humility. May your memory forever be blessed.

For more information about Chris Kyle, look here.