Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Movie Review:Les Miserables

Today I saw the newest movie version of Les Miserables. The new one is a musical version.

Let me begin by saying I have never cried so much during a movie in my life, no exaggeration! Bring lots of tissue. I was totally enthralled by the best piece of cinematography I've seen. From the clothing, to the scene settings, choice of actors, singing, music and acting , I was completely sucked in, living the emotional roller coaster of the characters lives I watched. I was in every scene. I saw a glorious , reoccurring theme- one of redemption, grace,  love and  forgiveness.

The plot is set in France in the early 1800's. Jean Valjean is released from prison on lifelong parole. His crime was taking bread to feed someone who was hungry, hardly worth the 19 years he was given. His sentence was overkill.

He again is hungry, homeless and facing the prospect of a new life.  He is taken in by a Bishop , fed and given a place to rest. I won't give away all of the details. I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it. I will tell you Jean is shown grace and mercy and is then given a choice. What will he do with this  precious gift ?

He finds himself at a crossroad. Will he continue on his previous path of bitterness and hate of a world that seemed to hate him? Or, will he take the gift offered to him  and make use of it? He is seen in a chapel wrestling with His maker, himself,  and the decision he must make. To me, I can see a tie-in of how Ya'akov wrestled with an angel of the L-rd.

Several times in this movie I see the Father's redemption story as the plot is laid  out. I saw chances given. I saw grace poured out on the undeserving. I saw unconditional love shown. I saw utter hopelessness turn to hope. I saw great love birthed  into a bitter heart of stone. I saw a person , who when shown love and grace, forgiveness and mercy, was overwhelmed to the point that they couldn't for the life of them receive it. They were simply unable.

How much like the faces we see each day in our own lives and in our own pasts can we relate to these themes? Each day we either see these struggles in another's face, or we face them ourselves. Each day we chose to live in bitterness or forgiveness, callousness or hope, love or hate.

Again, I do not wish to tell too much and give away this beautiful story. I do not recommend it for the young.There are things they should not see. Some scenes are very adult. I do however highly advise going as soon as you possibly can while it is still available on big screen. If you were to see it on your TV, it simply would not have the same effect.

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