Friday, November 26, 2010

The Breaking Of My Heart

Once a beloved friend, now you are a stranger.
Once you brought me comfort, now I feel anger.
Long ago you were my refuge, my shelter from the storm.
Now you bring me confusion, and I fear harm.
I used to look to you with great anticipation,
Now I look at you with great trepidation.
You once were full of laughter, smiles and joy
Now with peoples hearts you do toy.
Welcoming and inviting, you once used to be,
Now condemning and judgemental is what I've come to see.
My friend I once loved you with all of my heart,
Now one day not so far I fear we may part.
Easy to do you say ? I assure you it is not.
But to endure your pain forever, I'm afraid I cannot.
May God guide my steps, my thoughts and my prayers too.
Pray for you and seek His will, this I will always do.
My friend , cherished memories of you I do store,
Tucked away in my heart , these I cannot ignore.
How I wish that things would change and again you'd woo my heart.
Until that time, guard it I will ,until the day we part.
Wish you well ? Of course I do , I'm not the cruel kind.
Now your face reminds me of all the pain you've left behind.
Love you always, yes I will, we've a history we share,
But this aching in my soul at me does so tear.
I pray He guides and leads you , in the path set just for you
But most of all my precious friend may your heart He make true.


  1. Oh Netanya, this is so beautiful. It exactly mimicks my heart's beat. Thank you for posting this, my friend.

  2. That's beautiful, Netanya. Our hearts do hurt so... may He bring us healing and comfort...

  3. Oh, Netanya. What a beautiful expression of your heart. I am praying that you will know very intimately the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Love you.

  4. Did you write that poem yourself? It truly is beautiful - very well written. If you wrote it, you have a real gift for writing poetry.


  5. Yes I wrote this myself after much thought and grief over a situation close to my heart.


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