Friday, July 29, 2011

Beautiful Pain

Beautiful pain. These words may not seem to go together, but, oh, they do. Let me paint a picture of what beautiful pain looks like....

Beautiful pain brought you into my life. From the moment I saw and held you, it was worth it.
Every tear wiped away in love as something brought you pain.
Beautiful pain, my memories of you as I wondered where you were and held onto God's promise to me.
Beautiful pain, each time you've come back and left again.
Beautiful pain, the laughs, the smiles and fun. Memories that should bring joy,but right now bring hurt and feelings of loss.
Beautiful pain, I remember your moments of hurt, holding you
and wishing I could fix it or take it for you.
Beautiful pain, as I look into your your eyes, and gaze at your face.
I see the beauty on the outside and the pain and brokenness within.
I see you fight to camouflage every hurtful memory of your past,
and fail as the broken pieces of your past  shine through in your actions.
Beautiful pain, I know your potential and see you settle for so much less.
Beautiful pain, you struggle to feel beautiful as words from your past trap you convincing you  that you are less than.
Beautiful pain, your babies look to you for words of life and receive pain in their place.
Beautiful pain, so sure you're doing it right, as you function out of your damaged past.
Beautiful pain, I reflect and wish I had done a better job, convinced I could have.
Beautiful pain, knowing God's plan and seeing the enemy fight all the more for you.
Beautiful pain, seeing your little ones and wondering will they live your life too?
Beautiful pain, as a mother's heart breaks once again not wanting to breath.
Beautiful pain as I hold on to God's words yet again fighting to find comfort and hope.


  1. He hears your heart, my friend - beautiful words... love you.

  2. Beautiful, most certainly. Painful? Oh yes. I share your pain, my dear, dear friend.


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