Monday, May 30, 2011

In Memorial

Today I remember my beloved Grandfather, Edward Joseph Sloan. I took my Grandfather's middle name as my son's middle name, in honor of the most influential man in  my life.
For as long as I can remember, I called him Dad.
Though he was grandfather age when he and my grandmother began raising me, he acted as a Dad of normal age. He played volleyball with me, soccer, baseball, croquet. He taught me to ride my 5 speed bike. He would take me to Lincoln Park and Alki to play in the sand. He had a huge love of the ocean, he couldn't get enough of it, which is why I imagine he joined the Navy.
He fought in WWII in the South Pacific.  I do not know what his rank was upon leaving, and never heard his war stories, he kept that all private. I admire him for his service nonetheless. One of my favorite photos, is of him in uniform with his troop. I'm the only one who has a copy of it and have cherished it over the years and I have one of his Navy pins which I have prized as a great trophy since he gave it to me as a child. Because of him, I love the Navy, always have. I share his love of the ocean, the sights and sounds of it. The ocean became my calming place. It is where I find peace when nothing else will do. I can get lost in listening to the ebb and flow of the waves, beach combing, searching for treasures.
He instilled in me my sense of family. From him I learned to be faithful to my family no matter what, to defend all in it. From him I learned the value of honesty and integrity. I learned how to be strong. From him I learned the importance of fun and laughter. He had the best sense of humor, and at 70 , would still watch Saturday morning cartoons. He and I would watch Barettta, Kojak, Barney Miller, Ironsides. We would watch football as he taught me the calls, which teams were good and which were not as we would bet a quarter a game, of course he always gave me first pick. He taught me poker games that we would play for hours. He was the best!
In the winter we would build snowmen and have snowball fights till I was numb from the cold. In the summer we would each grab a hose and have water fights, and when Grandma would come out to empty the trash , we took great joy in soaking her and laughing till we cried.
If I was sad, he was the only one who could pull a smile out me. I spent hours on his lap snuggling. That was the safest place in the world. Nothing could harm or bother me there, it was my haven.
Dad, I miss your lap, your smile and laughter and especially the mischievous twinkle in your eyes. You were the best Dad I could have had and I am thankful for having had you in my life. All the things I love and miss about you are forever in my heart. I will always carry you with me wherever I go for as long as I live. I love you still.


  1. What wonderful memories you have of this wonderful man who impacted your life so greatly. Thank you for sharing these memories with us. He sounds like a great man!!

  2. What precious memories, my friend! :o)

  3. And I love him, too, for loving you, my dear friend. I love it when you share your memories of your 'Dad' cuz your face just lights up with joy. I see the same thing happen when you speak of your heavenly Father, as well...what a legacy. I'm sure he would be so proud of you. :-)

  4. Such a beautiful glimpse of this dear man -- thanks for sharing,Netanya.


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