Friday, December 9, 2011



1 to give attention, effort, etc. to something new or different

2 to adapt or be adjusted again so that things can be seen clearly; to adjust something again so that you can see things clearly

3 to change the emphasis or direction of

I'm all about refocusing. As I've grown older and somewhat wiser, I see the need to constantly refocus.  The more I learn truth, specifically G-d's truth, the more I need to refocus my thoughts, my perceptions, and my opinions of my view of the world around me, of others and of myself.

Lately though , more so than ever, I'm seeing a growing epidemic. Somehow, our world has evolved into a generation of self seeking, selfish, self focused people. This didn't happen overnight. I've seen the increase progressively over time, with each generation becoming worse than the last, with the rare exception of a selfless , giving soul.

I see it at work every day. Girls buying # 240 Uggs, $400 Coach bags with the $300 matching wallet, $100 jeans, the newest most expensive phones and technology, and most of these little darlings live at home mooching off their parents. They have a sense of entitlement. They want it, and their gonna have it.

I see it played out other places too though. Have you been on the road , everyone going the same speed, and someone just HAS to get in front of you even though the light ahead is red ? Have you been in the store going up an aisle, you come upon what you are looking for and someone comes along and gets in front of you and just stands there staring at the shelf like you don't exist? Have you been out somewhere and people are just pushing around you like you're invisible? Or worse yet, you are in a relationship and someone else decides they want your mate more than you do even though they KNOW that person is taken and should be off limits.

They are self focused. Selfish. Self serving. It's ALL about THEM! It's about what they want, where they need to get.

This time of year, this mentality is running rampant. Commercials and ads enticing you with every toy, car, clothing item, jewelery, or bobble. All I hear are people talking about what THEY want. I have yet to hear someone talk about what they want to give with no concern of them getting.

It is enough to make me scream. I have to wonder, have they ever had to go to Salvation Army for a tree and gifts for their children? I have. Have they ever had a holiday or birthday without something new? I have. I remember holidays where what I could afford to give came from a second hand store. Do I care if I get a gift? Not really. Sure it's nice at times to be acknowledged, but are material things the only way we feel affirmed?

One of my favorite Christmases was when I was 16 or 17 years old. I had met a darling little girl named Barbara Jean. She was 6 or 7 . Her Mom was on welfare and couldn't afford gifts that year. She did however love her children immensely! Well,  getting to know this wonderful girl, I wanted to see her face light up. I wanted her to have something under the tree which her brother stole just so they would have one. (Not saying that was right) . I went home and went through our storage shed. I still had all of my Barbies, Skipper, Skippers gymnastics things, Ken, Van, and on the list went, all in mint condition. I had also found other dolls, a Barbie make up head that you could put make up on and fix her hair on. I happily took them to Barbara Jean's house while she was at school and her mother and I sat and wrapped them all. When Barbara Jean came home, she immediately saw the gifts and rushed to see who they were for. When she checked each and every one and saw her name on them all, she had the biggest smile! She inquired where they were from , but I had asked her Mom not to tell till I came home from seeing my Mom in Alaska.  I went over after my trip and her Mom told her where the gifts had come from. I got the biggest hug I think I've ever had.

That was so worth it! Seeing her smile and her gratitude. I'd do it a million more times.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn. Just trying to get us all focused where our minds should be.... on someone else.

Have you ever :
spent time with the elderly?
given a single mom a ride to get groceries?
taken someone to the laundromat?
taken someone groceries?
read to a child?
wiped someones tears or just held them through their pain?
comforted the dying?
sponsored a child for the holidays or birthday?
took someone a hot meal when they couldn't cook for themselves?
worked in someones yard or garden?
taken someone to lunch or tea?
given someone a phone call to say you care?
just sat with someone and listened?
complimented someone?
smiled at someone?
took time to notice someone you know doesn't look happy today?
It doesn't have to cost you money, although sometimes it may. It can simply cost you time, and maybe your heart.

If you find these things hard, it's time to refocus. If your first thought is always for yourself, it's time to refocus. If others are not at the forefront of your mind, you need to refocus. I'm speaking to myself as well. We are selfish by nature, and it takes a concerted effort to rearrange our thoughts and train them to be focused on others.

If this is really a struggle, start with a baby step. Call someone that you know is hurting. Go for a walk with someone and just listen, hear their heart. You don't need to be the focus of the conversation.

The Scriptures say " whatever you do for the least of these, you have done unto Me", and conversely, "whatever you didn't do for the least of these , you did not do unto Me." We are commanded , that whatever we do, whether in word or deed, do it as unto the L-rd. We were created to serve Him and serve others. When we serve , we bring Him glory. He created all things to glorify Himself. Are you bringing Him glory? Good news! If you're not currently, you still can. Not serving Him? You can still bring joy to others, it will be rewarding.



  1. Oh yes! An excellent reminder to get our thoughts where they should be :-)

  2. Wow! Netanya, I never would have thought you were so literary, nice job! I especially liked the piece about your mom, how in the world did you remember all of that? The most memorable moment of my mom was when she accepted Jesus 3 mo's before she died, and the biggest thrill of leading her in that prayer. Bless ya girl!
    Pam D


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