Saturday, November 7, 2009

Needless Casualties of War

In our walk with God,there are always needless casualties of war. Those who are wounded or even slaughtered by the words and actions of others. Sometimes these actions and words are carelessly administered by someone not taking the forethought and love to consider how they may be received or perceived. Sometimes they are methodically planned. In either case,these attacks are ALWAYS a plan of Satan,the enemy of our soul, to steal , kill and destroy those who serve and love God. The Enemy crouches around like a roaring lion the Word says. He's described as a serpent.He slithers around seeking to infiltrate the Body of Messiah here on earth. He will enter any willing soul.He will also enter our places of worship! He comes as a wolf in sheeps clothing,pretending to be a Believer,often times being very charismatic and likeable at first. This is the type we really need to watch for.If Satan came in as himself,manifesting all of his evil,we'd recognize him right off.That's why he disguises himself. This way he can work the most destruction. He comes in in the form of an earnest Believer,earns our trust,gets us to accept that person into our community and take them in as family. Then,when we have our guard down and have rested long enough to lay down our shield,he comes in for the kill. We find ourselves completely blindsided.
We need to be ever watchful,without crossing the line into paranoia and distrust.
We need to put on our spiritual armor DAILY. We need to stay prayed up more and more as we see the signs and times confirming that the last days are fast approaching if they are not already upon us.
Let us be our brothers keeper,praying for one another diligently.Take up one another's burdens.Purpose not to be like those who want to pluck the splinter out of our eye,while neglecting the log in theirs. Let us not be judgemental and critical.Let us have the love and grace to recognize each person is at a different place spiritually and let the Holy Spirit do His job in each other.
Most of all,let us love one another. Speak to one another with psalms and hymns,encouraging each other.Love is not proud,boastful,self righteous,vengeful,bitter,self seeking and love does NOT attack. Love comforts,heals,covers a multitude of wrongs,is selfless,other centered and has pure motives for the betterment of the other.
Let us learn to love the way Yeshua loved His church and gave His life for it. Let us keep a seal on our lips when needed.When a thought comes to mind and we are about to speak,let us ask, "Am I about to speak life or death over this person".

1 comment:

  1. Preach it, sister! lol!

    Love your new blog and love your thoughts, as well. Looking forward to reading more, my friend :-)


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