Sunday, November 15, 2009


Some things are timeless. They can bring a smile to your face. They can also bring a tear to your eye when they catch you unaware. They are forever in your
mind though.
These are the things that are timeless to me:

Sitting on my Grandpa'a lap.

Playing with my Tonkas in the living room.

Playing with my babydolls.

Listening to music in my room.

Playing in the sand at Alki and Lincoln Park.

Picnics at Alki and Lincoln park.

Blow drying my Grandpa's hair with my Barbie hair dryer.

Water fights in the back yard.

Playing soccer, volleyball and baseball in the back yard with my Grandpa.

Sitting on Grandpa's lap cuddling.

Riding the ferry boats.

The pain of losing those closest to me.

Asking God why they had to go.

Hearing Him answer me.

Sitting on Mom's lap when I got to Texas.

Being with Mom when she got her diagnosis.

Seeing how strong my Mom was when faced with her own death.

The birth of my children.

Cuddling my babies.

Hearing my children say I love you for the first time.

Hearing my children laugh.

Watching my children laugh.

Watching my grandson be born.

Holding Gabe for the first time.

Watching Gabe smile in his sleep.

Holding my grandson and feeling him snuggle into me.

Dates with Jim.

Jim proposing.

Jim and I's wedding.

Laughter shared.

Tears shared.

Cuddling with my Dad.

Dad walking me up the aisle.

Walks in trails or on the beach.

Good friendships.

Worshipping God at home.

Feeling Yeshua hold my hands.


  1. Thanks for sharing yourself, my friend - it makes me think of all those beautiful gifts that the LORD has given me, as well. :-)


  3. You all are welcome.It's nice to have a safe place to share what I think and feel.Love you guys!


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