Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflecting on Miracles

This time of year as we celebrate Chanukah, I've been reflecting on the miracles and blessings God has granted me.
Here are a few I have been pondering....

The miracle of birth and seeing what had been growing inside for nine months
Surviving years of abuse
Surviving being hit by a car
Surviving an accidental overdose
God's healing of my mind and emotions
God's protection
The comfort and support of friends God placed in my life
That He foreknew events and placed protective measures in my life
God's love
Feeling God's presence
My husband still being alive for God to bring us together
God's creation
Still seeing good in others when life and Satan tried to strip that away
Having joy in my life

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I've been pondering those things I am truely thankful for the last few days.
Here are the things I'm most grateful for....

Having a relationship with God
Being chosen
Serving God
Having grown up with my Grandfather
Getting to know my Mother and Father
Getting to know my siblings
The splendor of nature
Hugs and kisses
My children
My husband
A good community to fellowship in
My grandson
My home
Clothing and food
and countless other things as well.
God has truely blessed me with all I need and more.
I am undeserving,but oh so grateful.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Some things are timeless. They can bring a smile to your face. They can also bring a tear to your eye when they catch you unaware. They are forever in your
mind though.
These are the things that are timeless to me:

Sitting on my Grandpa'a lap.

Playing with my Tonkas in the living room.

Playing with my babydolls.

Listening to music in my room.

Playing in the sand at Alki and Lincoln Park.

Picnics at Alki and Lincoln park.

Blow drying my Grandpa's hair with my Barbie hair dryer.

Water fights in the back yard.

Playing soccer, volleyball and baseball in the back yard with my Grandpa.

Sitting on Grandpa's lap cuddling.

Riding the ferry boats.

The pain of losing those closest to me.

Asking God why they had to go.

Hearing Him answer me.

Sitting on Mom's lap when I got to Texas.

Being with Mom when she got her diagnosis.

Seeing how strong my Mom was when faced with her own death.

The birth of my children.

Cuddling my babies.

Hearing my children say I love you for the first time.

Hearing my children laugh.

Watching my children laugh.

Watching my grandson be born.

Holding Gabe for the first time.

Watching Gabe smile in his sleep.

Holding my grandson and feeling him snuggle into me.

Dates with Jim.

Jim proposing.

Jim and I's wedding.

Laughter shared.

Tears shared.

Cuddling with my Dad.

Dad walking me up the aisle.

Walks in trails or on the beach.

Good friendships.

Worshipping God at home.

Feeling Yeshua hold my hands.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where Is The Love?

The title of this song has been on my mind for days as I have pondered and thought about events which have transpired lately.
I am sad,angry,frustrated,hurt for others, and a host of other feelings I find myself sorting through.
In the midst of this,I keep coming back to one central question...where is the love?!
Recently,someone told another they loved them,and what I felt was almost what I'd describe as a holy rage.What had been done was NOT love.
As a result,I've been on a quest as of late.
What does God say love is? What does it look like? What is it not?

The first example,we all know...
Jn. 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Now that's love! Who of us would give our child for others to live?
So clearly,love is sacrifice.
Sacrifice of our time.
Sacrifice of our wants and desires.
Sacrifice of our ego.
Sacrifice for our agenda for the benefit of others.

1 Co.13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek it's own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

Do we strive to love one another like that?

Prov. 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions.

Jn. 15:12-13 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.Greater love has no one than this,that he lay down his life for his friend.

At the end of 1 Co. 8:1 it says , love edifies.

Rom. 12: 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another.

Ro. 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy.

Ro. 12: 14 Bless those who persecute you-that shows love.

Ro. 12: 17 Never pay back evil for evil-that demonstrates love.

Ro. 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor;

1 Pet. 1: 22 Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the bretheren, fervently love one another from the heart.
(fervent-burning,ardent,eager ; do we eagerly love one another?)

In Eph. 5: 19 We're told to speak to one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs-that's a sign of love.

1 Thes. 5:11 Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another

There are countless other verses on the topic. I could write for the rest of my life on the examples God gave us on love.

The reason he instructed us to control our tongue,was out of love for others.
We should speak blessings over each other and encourage one another with our tongue out of love.
Love lays down our wants and desires to give of our time to those we're commanded to love.
Love does not degrade.
Love does not despise.
Love is not haughty.
Love seeks to teach and instruct someone so they can surpass the level we are at in our walk,to cause them to soar.
Love causes us to show honor to others.
Love causes us to esteem other more highly than our self so we don't fall into the trap of self-righteousness.
Love causes us to give food to those in need.
Love causes us to rejoice with others even if our own heart is aching.
Love causes us to grieve with a hurting soul.

Let us examine our motives in all we do and say . Are we doing everything as unto the Lord?
Oh! What a perspective to have.....would we degrade Him the way we do others?
Would we abuse Him?
Would we gossip about Him?
Would we try to beat Him up with His word?
Would we cast Him aside as if he didn't exist?
Would we swear at Him?
Would we treat Him in such a way He'd wish He'd never been born?
Would we snub Him?

And yet we do this very thing every day....
He said whatever you do to the least of these,you do unto Me...
and whatever you did not do for the least of these you did not to it to Me.
I know,He was referring to providing for people in need.
I also think it applies in this context as well though.
If we mistreat those who are His,we are doing it to Him.

Let us everyday work out our salvation in fear and trembling.
Let us examine ourselves and first seek out the log in our eye.
If we place out focus on cleaning our own house,we won't have time to point fingers and try to fix everyone else.
We will walk in love toward our neighbors,sisters and brothers in the Lord.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Needless Casualties of War

In our walk with God,there are always needless casualties of war. Those who are wounded or even slaughtered by the words and actions of others. Sometimes these actions and words are carelessly administered by someone not taking the forethought and love to consider how they may be received or perceived. Sometimes they are methodically planned. In either case,these attacks are ALWAYS a plan of Satan,the enemy of our soul, to steal , kill and destroy those who serve and love God. The Enemy crouches around like a roaring lion the Word says. He's described as a serpent.He slithers around seeking to infiltrate the Body of Messiah here on earth. He will enter any willing soul.He will also enter our places of worship! He comes as a wolf in sheeps clothing,pretending to be a Believer,often times being very charismatic and likeable at first. This is the type we really need to watch for.If Satan came in as himself,manifesting all of his evil,we'd recognize him right off.That's why he disguises himself. This way he can work the most destruction. He comes in in the form of an earnest Believer,earns our trust,gets us to accept that person into our community and take them in as family. Then,when we have our guard down and have rested long enough to lay down our shield,he comes in for the kill. We find ourselves completely blindsided.
We need to be ever watchful,without crossing the line into paranoia and distrust.
We need to put on our spiritual armor DAILY. We need to stay prayed up more and more as we see the signs and times confirming that the last days are fast approaching if they are not already upon us.
Let us be our brothers keeper,praying for one another diligently.Take up one another's burdens.Purpose not to be like those who want to pluck the splinter out of our eye,while neglecting the log in theirs. Let us not be judgemental and critical.Let us have the love and grace to recognize each person is at a different place spiritually and let the Holy Spirit do His job in each other.
Most of all,let us love one another. Speak to one another with psalms and hymns,encouraging each other.Love is not proud,boastful,self righteous,vengeful,bitter,self seeking and love does NOT attack. Love comforts,heals,covers a multitude of wrongs,is selfless,other centered and has pure motives for the betterment of the other.
Let us learn to love the way Yeshua loved His church and gave His life for it. Let us keep a seal on our lips when needed.When a thought comes to mind and we are about to speak,let us ask, "Am I about to speak life or death over this person".

Tears from my heart

My heart aches lately for the cruelty and heartless
acts commited against my friends as of late. My friendships are few,but very deep in my heart. I do not like it when others take it upon themselves to be judge and jury over someone elses life. It is completely unecessary to slaughter one anothers fellow brother or sister. How much of an example to the world can we really hope to be when we spend our time wounding our own? Is this a productive use of our time and talents God has given us? I say no. I feel compelled to protect my friends,but sadly feel powerless to stop the slaughter. This grieves me greatly. When my friends hurt,I hurt with them. I'm a sensitive sort.
I can simply just be a shoulder to cry on,an ear of compassion, a timely hug, a supporter and encourager.
I also have the greatest weapon of all pray and intercede on behalf of those who find themselves in the midst of battle and attack. That I will always do. I speak confusion and frustration into every plan of the Evil one (may his name be blotted out!) to harm those who live a righteous life before Hashem. May God protect my friends with His ring of fire and hedge of protection. May He turn evil words against those who spoke them. May He be the vindication of those the enemy seeks to destroy or harm.